Monday, 31 July 2017

Juicy cuts

A selection of cuts from Little Monsters. See The Monsters Lair for comprehensive installation shots and more individual artists works

Prabhat Basu

David Miller

Rebecca Walker (house)

Shelley Hughes

Anita Roye

Now see monstrous more in The Monsters' Lair, if you dare...

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Its Alive!

No longer creeping up on you..Its alive and open to the unsuspecting public Little Monsters (aka Monster Club II !) Open Freakin' Fridays 1-5 pm and other times by trepidating appointment during July. Showcase gallery, Jubilee centre B5  6ND

Come in and 'ave a cup of T(eeth). Courtesy of Shelley Hughes...


Many more diabolical installation views are in the  Monsters Lair section of this blog.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Life on other planets

From the another galaxy and the amazing imagination of Josh Bather, member of Art Club